
SMB1 Game Genie

Started by cloudrf, Oct 15, 2023, 03:14 PM

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.s.u.p.e.r. .m.a.r.i.o. .b.r.o.t.h.e.r.s.

game genie codes

1.table of contents

1.table of contents

2.version history stuff

5. credits

6. coming soon

7. note

2.version history

1.0 nov. 30th 7:32 P.M. original faq done

1.1 dec. 1st 7:37 P.M. a lot more codes added

AEPSSZ - freeze up at random times

AKPOZT - sometimes it hails broken bricks

GPPSXL - enemies go through eachother

IIIISZ - koopa shells act weird and you can kill them (by jumping on them a
weird way)

AKISZX - reset or freeze at flag

IOZVVL - altered enemies

IOZVVX - altered dead enemies

IOZVVO - other altered dead enemies

EPPPPP - different soundtrack

APPPPP - different soundtrack 1

KPPPPP - different soundtrack 2

PPPPPP - different soundtrack 3

OPPPPP - different soundtrack 4

ZPPPPP - different soundtrack 5

XPPPPP - different soundtrack 6

LPPPPP - different soundtrack 7

GPPPPP - different soundtrack 8

IPPPPP - different soundtrack 9

SPPPPP - different soundtrack 10

TPPPPP - different soundtrack 11

VPPPPP - different soundtrack 12

YPPPPP - different soundtrack 13

NPPPPP - different soundtrack 14

GEONIN - weird altered musice (you cant beat a level)

AGEOLP - always have star musice

IKEIKE - mushrooms and stars kill you

IKESKE - if you touch an enemie it kills it, even by the sides

POOPIE - messed up graphics and goombas that look like cakes

KOOPAE - more messed up graphics

NGENIE - when you walk as small mario you're messed up, as big mario you're
allways crouching down

EOOEIE - everything is darker

ONEAPE - messed up glitch world :warning: it lags a lot and it gives you a
headache after a while

KITISI - allways move forward

NOOEIS - white background

ELUNYY - a musice code. best at end of level

NLLNYY - destructo

POZYYN - a musice code.

AAPPPP - a musice code.

SINNIN - a musice code.

VGTYIU - a musice code.

ZZAYGN - Bleepy music

ZTAYGN - etc

ZGAYGN - etc

IIAYGN - repetetive

LLAYGN - insane! (but liable to crash)

IGAYGN - repetative + noisy
(Other varients of the 1st two letters may work too)

YYPPPP - Wrong music.

GGAOAP - There is usually no music.

STANLY - Jazzed up background music.

TZEPYO - Low back ground music.

STPYYY - Flat music

IVVOAE - COOL music.

STINLY - The music changes.

STONLY - The music starts and stops.

STLNLY - Crazy space jazz!

ELLNYY - noisy + low sounds

LUYYLU - Vibrating sounds.

TSENLL - No jumping SFX. weird music!

STLYNY - Tiny bit mixed up music.

POZYYN - squeaky music.

NEENYY - Messy remix

NXZNYY - Subtle remix

NXXNYY - Subtle remix

NAANYY - Good remix!

NYYNYY - Abstract remix

NVVNYY - Banjo remix!!!!!!

NULYEA - Longer Bass sound.

KAEPYO - Water music all the time.

PTEPYP - Dungeon music all the time.

YYAPYO - Koopa castle music all the time.

TPEPYO - Star man music all the time.

GVVOAE - Dungeon music when you are outside, not in a dungeon or a water
level or a castle.

AVVOAE - Koopa castle music when you are outside,
not in a dungeon or
a water level.

TVVOAE - Circus music when you are outside

EATIKK - jumping makes you fall through everything

IOZYYU - messed up SFX

UNITYV - items appear higher than they are

LNITYV - item appear differently than they are

ISTLUL - it rains coines when you hit a coin block

KKISST - you're stuck in one place

GLAUST - freezes when you're big and you hit a brick block

EOZXNN - screen does not scroll

EGTTVL invisable enemys (they get all weird then it freezes)

-more codes coming soon!-

4. legal stuff

This document is Copyright 2003 Tah-rue Wales.  It may not be
reproduced nor retransmitted in any form without prior consent from the
author.  It may not be altered, published, sold, given as an incentive to
buy, etc. without advance permission from the author. Violation of the above
terms can
and result in a lawsuit.

Only the following sites may host this FAQ:

GameFAQs (

5. credits

my sister's nes, our copy of this game, and my game genie.

my uncle miles who gave me some codes.

6. coming soon

i want to add more codes before long. and maybe add another section in the faqs.

7. note

if you have codes you want to put in the faq e-mail me at
supply you're username or you're name also and ill put you in the credits

test block

14 Guests, 0 Users